The Toyota Eco Youth (TEY) 2022/2023 edition concluded recently on a high note with the Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) and UMW Toyota Motor representatives attending the closing ceremony and exhibition at Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam. Themed ‘Championing Mobility’. The TEY programme targeted at secondary school students is among UMW Toyota Motor’s ongoing efforts to cultivate awareness and a sense of responsibility for people and the planet by encouraging the youth to take climate action through the development of sustainable innovations.
A total of 16 teams nationwide participated in the programme to vie for a cash prize pool of up to RM71,500 with their innovative solutions on display for the keen eye of judges to deliberate and score. The top five teams to impress the judges at TEY 2022/2023 include:
Maktab Tentera Diraja (Mtd) - HEXA-HOLD
A hexabrick system made from recycled HDPE, LDPE plastic that aims to reduce/prevent soil erosion and soil movement.
Sultan Alam Shah Islamic College (Team Synergy) - Expand-a-bag
An expandable bag made with reused plastic and fabric in order to create a more sustainable community.
SMK Kemumin, Kota Bharu - Terra Saviour
A belt made from used clothes to reduce the waste of clothes in our community
SMK Taman Bunga Raya 1 - TWEPS
A system that works as an early prevention for wildfire by detecting the increase of temperature and carbon dioxide gas, followed by an alert sent to the nearby forest and fire department.
SBP Integrasi Rawang - In-FleCT
An automatic incinerator that will not release smoke and dangerous air particles, and converts burning products into a fertilizer
The winning team received RM20,000 in cash, followed by RM15,000 for second place; RM 10,000 for third place; RM7,000 for fourth place and RM5,000 for fifth place. The Most Supportive Teacher was rewarded with RM2,000 and RM1,000 each was offered to the top three Agent Ms while RM2,000 was offered for Best Community Engagement.
The 2022/2023 edition of the TEY programme themed 'Championing Mobility' saw the 16 teams develop sustainable solutions in four C.A.S.E categories – Clothing, Apps, Smart Tools and Eco-Friendly Vehicles with a focus on ‘Mobility For All’ to create a positive impact on society through new mobility services in line with Toyota's Global Vision.
TEY is a catalyst towards empowering the future generation with project management and critical thinking skills by introducing the Toyota 8-Step Problem Solving Methodology, an approach taken by UMW Toyota Motor employees to identify and investigate issues of concern in a methodological way. Alongside this approach, student teams are also introduced to Toyota Motor Corporation's Guiding Principles which aims to foster a conscious society that lives in harmony with our environment.
Looking ahead, the TEY 22 edition will further place emphasis on the need for students to develop solutions, especially in electrification, that have a long-lasting positive impact on society. To further empower students, UMW Toyota Motor is committed to helping students develop their innovations via Intensive Prototype Development by established 'TEY Makerspace Facilities’ and will consider collaborating with potential stakeholders to commercialise sustainable innovations.